Friday, February 8, 2013

Breaking Point

The last week has been really hard.  Naomi had a high fever last friday and had to go to the emergency room at 3 am.  She has been having fevers for week that have been low grade.  After needle sticks and xrays, they came up with nothing, but the next day she developed a cough and runny nose and has had more off and on low grade fevers all week.  Non stop tylenol.  She then continued to stop eating, and now is very difficult to get to drink.  It has been extremely frustrating and both of us have reached a breaking point.  In addition, Lydia has RSV.  One more thing, there always seems like there is one more thing.  We had looked forward to going to the Penguins game thursday night, but that was scrapped.  Living with Naomi means never being able to look forward to anything.  Last night it reached the low point.  Naomi would not drink for anyone yesterday but Anne's Dad.  We believe that it is behavioral because he is the only one that does not hold Lydia very much.  We are hoping it is just sibling rivalry, but it is hard to take.  Naomi is so challenging normally that this puts your emotions over the edge.  You think things and say things you regret later.  You forget about the good times, it all seems bad forevermore.  Mercifully, Anne's mom and dad are going to take Naomi for the weekend.  It makes us sad and relieved at the same time.  WE hope we can get through this episode without a feeding tube, but how much can you struggle and try to feed someone?  Winter doesn't make it any better either since Naomi loves to go outside.  We will keep you posted.


  1. This is all so hard, but that is why family is so important. My mother always said we are stronger than we think and can do more than we ever thought we were capable of. You can and will survive this. Believe in yourself and God's help. I love you both and you are not alone.

  2. Wish we were home to help you guys out more! Thinking about you and sending you lots of love!

  3. You are constantly in my thoughts--and prayers. I pray that this weekend offers you both time to rest and relax. Frustration is normal. Be patient with yourself. It's called parenting--and we all say things that we don't mean in moments of exhaustion and anger. Being human, for better or worse is part of our existence. Love to you both! Rest up! --Michelle

  4. Oh gosh. Everything you've written reminds us of all the hard days, the hard nights, the hard decisions. Is there anything we can do from afar?

  5. Please know we are here. I know that 'here' means far but in spirit, it feels oh so similar. My heart breaks for you all in such a kindred way....sigh.
